Artists Books

21 artists books added to the collection

Updated January 4, 2024
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21 proposals for the Turbine Hall
Paper Book

Counting backwards from one hundred when you can't sleep revives an autobiography of numbers: street numbers, opus numbers, peg numbers, birthdays, buses, ages, dates, years, movies, books, songs, long division, multiplication, punctuation, superstition, one or two introverted numbers, numbers best ignored.. -- Publisher website.

This wee chapbook opens up to a whole digital world of poems, readings, animation and music! The visual poems within the book's covers are all manipulated QR-codes, turning the black and white squares we know into either abstract art or fanciful bugs and creatures. They are however also fully functioning QR-codes which will lead you further into Watcher, a true intermedia work by Canadian poets Gary Barwin and Elee Kraljii Gardiner. -- Publisher website.

breath:e st(utter)ance develops a method of notating a reading process, observing the act of meandering and stumbling through an existing text. It takes delight in the generative properties of error. Punctuation draws attention to the rhythm of breathing, marks the wrongly placed pauses, acknowledges the moments of distraction and association while reading. The work takes Gilles Deleuze's book The Logic of Sense as reading material to explore this process. -- Publisher website.

Douglas, Helen
Paper Book

Turn marks that moment of turn from Summer to Autumn. Grasses turn from green to gold their leaves curling and turning in gracious exuberance from slender stalks. In the book each grass is paired with another; like courtly couples they seem to bow and reel in dance within the open page spread. The stitched thread joins the dance. -- Publisher website.

In this publication, Sanne van den Elzen takes a closer look at the manner in which we greet one another-perhaps the most universal gesture of all. What happens if we misinterpret our counterpart's gestures? What role does intimacy play in possible misconceptions? For instance, when the lens zooms in on the Dutch formality of three kisses on the cheeks, one might begin to wonder about the elasticity of one's comfort zone. Sanne van den Elzen takes the viewer along in her playful visual research method focussing on the intervals and the interspaces of the visual choreography that is the art of the gesture. -- Publisher website.

PRACTICE MAKES PRINTMAKERS: A Manifesto is a celebration of self-publishing and printmaking, in all its variety. Using printing techniques no sane publisher would use, it condenses years of printing experience into a quirky manifesto that hopefully will inspire a future generation of printers and self-publishers. Printmaking methods featured: offset lithography, relief and intaglio printing, photocopy, screen printing, rubber-stamping, heat-pressing and embossing. -- Publisher website.

"Folded paper printed.." -- Artist website.

"Literally a load of rubbish." -- Artist website.

Another "source?"book by this artist, this time cataloging the variety of plugs and wiring instructions available in the UK.

Smile magazine was created by Stewart Home in 1984,'Smile encourages everybody to start their own Smile magazine. Smile wants every magazine to be called Smile. Smile stands for total unoriginality. Smile wants to be able to go unto Rough Trade and find thousands of different Smile magazines by thousands of different Monty Cantsins.' Inspired by Stewart Home's exhortions SLIME/SMILE echoes the contents, themes and graphic design of Smile expanding upon and wryly satirising the concepts espoused. Poems, texts, statements, projects, activity pages, certificates. This magazine compiles SLIME made by Mark Pawson and Erica Smith in 1984 and two SMILEs produced by Mark in 1984/5, originally photocopied in tiny quantities and circulated through the post. -- Artist website.

a female's dilemma of survival

57 moments in Alentejo, Portugal. The tourist map has no street names, no legend, no key, only numbers in basic printer's colours. We're happy with that. We'll make it up as we go along. We enjoy the translations in tourist brochures and the roads that may not exist, the random numbers, the reservoir picnics, the convents, real and invented. We're set on slow light drift & observation without judgement. History hangs by a thread. We look out northwest until a great lake comes into view. -- Publisher website.

Sitterwerk is the site of a unique Art Library (Kunstbibliothek) and Material Archive (Werkstoffarchiv), situated within a picturesque valley in the north east of Switzerland. The Library explores the relativity between material and digital collections through the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). The organisational system is designed to remain open and 'dynamic', the shelves defy standard library classification and books are often found alongside incongruous neighbouring items. In June 2018, I undertook a brief residency - five days and five nights - within Sitterwerk Library. Residual Stacks is a document of work I undertook on-site using materials extracted from the drawers of the Werkstoffarchiv. A series of constructed images produced over one quiet week in early summer, when left uninterrupted to handle materials and accumulate books and materials within a single workspace. -- Publisher website.

I Think of You combines short texts, each named after an area in London, with abstract artwork showing colourful imagined Brutalist structures. In Martin Crawley's poetry, humorous observations complement painful memories of casual encounters and of friends living with and dying of AIDS. This is the second Negative Press publication by the London-born and Bow-based artist after Placing Stones, published in 2015. -- Publisher website.

Part of AMBruno's rhythm project; "Inspired by a statue of a horse at the British Museum, this legless horse trots the air and my book depicts the rhythm of his hooves across sky, coming closer, going further away, louder at times, fainter at others." -- Publisher website

Part of AMBruno's rhythm project; "As children, my brother and I entertained ourselves by tapping rhythms on the bathroom door; the other, who was inside having a bath, tried to identify the tune. Readers are invited to tap the eight rhythms in the book, and identify the tunes, thus placing themselves on both sides of the bathroom door" -- AMBruno website.

Part of AMBruno's rhythm project; "The book evokes the idea of a score, a musical notation in which the lines indicate the pitch of the sound. Articulated on two axes, it proposes a play of superimpositions allowing the lines to intersect, thus multiplying the possible variations of collages between the images." -- AMBruno website.

With his edition of SILENCE: LECTURES AND WRITINGS, Derek Beaulieu has created a visual response to John Cage's SILENCE, or more accurately, to a poorly-scanned PDF version found online. On each page Beaulieu has deleted all the text except the punctuation marks-which visually represents breath, pauses and breaks-and the grime and digital "noise" on the poorly-scanned page, the creaking digital performance space, of Cage's lectures. SILENCE is published in a limited edition which mimics the size and shape of Cage's Wesleyan UP edition, with the addition of a critical, explanatory afterword by noted scholar Peter Jaeger, grounding the edition in ambient sound, erasure, Buddhism, and conceptual writing. -- Publisher website.

"This publication is a reproduction of a handwritten, re-sequenced and annotated Index for 'A Land', a non-fiction book by archaeologist and writer Jacquetta Hawkes, first published in 1951. Produced from archival material held in The Jacquetta Hawkes Archive, Special Collections at University of Bradford, the original index was written and compiled by Jacquetta and Nicolas Hawkes. The publication is a facsimile reprint of the A-Z Index with additional archive material added to the final page." -- author's website.

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