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Free Comic Book Day 2025 (Kids)
Updated March 4, 2025
Lambton County Library
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Bad Kitty makes a movie
Bruel, Nick
Paper Book
Kitty achieves stardom - and, of course, a bit of trouble - in the brand new Bad Kitty graphic novel IN FULL-COLOR, Bad Kitty Makes a Movie.When Uncle Murray accidentally uploads a video of Kitty to Viewtube, it goes VIRAL, and Kitty becomes a STAR...kind of. Join Uncle Murray and Kitty in a bundle...
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Godzilla: Monster Island Summer Camp
Knight, Rosie.
Paper Book
This fresh Godzilla OGN proves that kaiju are for kids. Especially the ones who'd rather befriend beasts than fight them. As an aspiring cartoonist, Zelda has always dreamed of attending an art summer camp, and this year she finally gets to go! But when she arrives to Make It...
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The land of Afronia
Crawford, Terrance
Paper Book
Afronia is known for being bright and colorful, but what happens when a disgraced unicorn wants to take the color away? Join unicorn best friends Divine and Unique as they journey to save Afronia in this all-new, action-packed graphic novel that celebrates joy, beauty, and of course, unicorns!...
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Escaping Peril: a Graphic Novel (Wings of Fire Graphic Novel #8)
Sutherland, Tui T.
Paper Book
The graphic novel adaptations of the #1 New York Times bestselling Wings of Fire series continue to set the world on fire! Peril has been loyal to Queen Scarlet, who used her fatal firescales to kill countless dragons in the SkyWing arena. Now, Peril is loyal to Clay, the...
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