Activities for Kids

Updated April 20, 2023
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Great things to do outside : 365 awesome outdoor activities
Ambrose, Jamie
Nature play at home : creating outdoor spaces that connect children with the natural world
Striniste, Nancy
"A magnificent resource for transforming backyards into stimulating environments which enhance children's creativity, learning, and fun." --Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods, The Nature Principle, and Vitamin N Access to...
Bug lab for kids : family-friendly activities for exploring the amazing world of beetles, butterflies, spiders, and other arthropods
Guyton, John W.
Paper Book
Bug Lab for Kids is an engaging, scientifically accurate, and fun activity book that explores the exciting world of bugs.
Bug hunter
Burnie, David.
Craft lab for kids : 52 DIY projects to inspire, excite, and empower kids to create useful, beautiful handmade goods
Corfee, Stephanie

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