Chemistry for Non-Scientists

Updated July 26, 2024
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Napoleon's buttons how 17 molecules changed history
Le Couteur, Penny, 1943-
Napoleon's Buttons is the fascinating account of seventeen groups of molecules that have greatly influenced the course of history. These molecules provided the impetus for early exploration, and made possible the voyages of discovery that ensued. The molecules resulted in grand feats of engineering...
Culinary reactions the everyday chemistry of cooking
Field, Simon (Simon Quellen)
When you're cooking, you're a chemist! Every time you follow or modify a recipe, you are experimenting with acids and bases, emulsions and suspensions, gels and foams. In your kitchen you denature proteins, crystallize compounds,...
The elements a visual exploration of every known atom in the universe
Gray, Theodore W.
The disappearing spoon and other true tales of madness, love, and the history of the world from the periodic table of the elements
Kean, Sam author.
Paper Book
From New York Times bestselling author Sam Kean comes incredible stories of science, history, finance, mythology, the arts, medicine, and more, as told by the Periodic Table. Why did Gandhi hate iodine (I, 53)? How did radium (Ra, 88) nearly ruin Marie...
The food lab better home cooking through science
López-Alt, J. Kenji, author, photographer.
Paper Book
Ever wondered how to pan-fry a steak with a charred crust and an interior that's perfectly medium-rare from edge to edge when you cut into it? How to make homemade mac 'n' cheese that is as satisfyingly gooey and velvety-smooth as the blue box stuff, but far tastier? How to roast a succulent,...

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