Business and Economics

Recent books on business and economics.

Updated March 11, 2025
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Own your career : break the corporate blueprint & build your own ladder
Allocca, Michela.
Paper Book
Imbue your career with purpose and meaning In Own Your Career: Break the Corporate Blueprint and Build Your Own Ladder, popular financial analyst and entrepreneur Michela Allocca delivers an exciting new discussion of how to break the corporate blueprint and forge your own...
The Focus Fix: Finding Clarity, Creativity and Resilience in an Overwhelming World
Chris Griffiths
Paper Book
With focus and a clear mind, we can achieve almost anything. But we are constantly subjected to a deluge of distractions, from endless notification pings to anxiety and self-doubt. The Focus Fix explores how you can reset your mindset in order to reclaim your...
Slow Burn : The Hidden Costs of a Warming World
Park, Robert Jisung.
Paper Book
How the subtle but significant consequences of a hotter planet have already begun--from lower test scores to higher crime rates--and how we might tackle them today It's hard not to feel anxious about the problem of climate change, especially if we think of it as an impending...
Mastering the Universe : The Obscene Wealth of the Ruling Class, What They Do with Their Money, and Why You Should Hate Them Even More
Larson, Rob.
Paper Book
Economist Rob Larson combines wit, righteous anger, and clear-eyed analysis as he dissects the lifestyle, moral bankruptcy, and stupidly large sums of money hoarded by the disgustingly wealthy. The fact that we live in one of the most unequal societies in the history of the world is...
Marketing with AI For Dummies
Singh, Shiv.
Paper Book
Stay ahead in the marketing game by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence Marketing with AI For Dummies is your introduction to the revolution that's occurring in the marketing industry, thanks to artificial intelligence tools that can create text, images, audio,...
Rich World, Poor World : The Struggle to Escape Poverty
Allawi, Ali A.
Paper Book
A landmark history of the world economic order, exploring how developing countries have fought to escape impoverishment Over the past two decades, experiments in neoliberal economics have opened up a chasm of inequality between the Global South and the West. Development advice from richer...
Escaping the Housing Trap : The Strong Towns Solution to the Housing Crisis
Herriges, Daniel.
Paper Book
Housing is an investment. Investment prices must go up. Housing is shelter. When the price of shelter goes up, people experience distress. This is the housing trap. It's time to escape. In Escaping the Housing Trap: The Strong Towns Response to the Housing Crisis,...

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