Adult Western

Updated April 16, 2024
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Dark side of the river
Daniels, B. J.
Dark Side Of The River Grudges run deep between two ranch families. And so do secrets... There's no avoiding anyone in Powder River's small community -- not even a bitter rival. For years, Cooper McKenna has been thrown together with Tilly Stafford, competing against...
Where coyotes howl
Dallas, Sandra
1916. The two-street town of Wallace is not exactly what Ellen Webster had in mind when she accepted a teaching position in Wyoming, but within a year's time she's fallen in love -- both with the High Plains and with a handsome cowboy named Charlie Bacon. Life is not easy in the flat, brown corner...
To the river's end a novel of the American frontier
Johnstone, William W.
Luke Ransom was just eighteen years old when he answered an ad in a St. Louis newspaper that would change his life forever. The American Fur Company needed one hundred enterprising men to travel up the Missouri River -- the longest in North America -- all the way to its source. They would hunt and...
Every cloak rolled in blood
Burke, James Lee
In his most autobiographical novel to date, James Lee Burke continues the epic Holland family saga with a writer grieving the death of his daughter while battling earthly and supernatural outlaws. Novelist Aaron Holland Broussard is shattered when his daughter Fannie Mae dies...

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