The Wellington Comic Lover’s Guide to… Teen Titans and Young Justice
Welcome to the Wellington Comic Lover’s Guide, where we take you through the Wellington City Libraries’ collection of a comic book character or series. This guide is all about the premiere teen super-teams of the DC Universe, the Teen Titans and Young Justice!
The Teen Titans are a team of teen heroes, comprised of experienced sidekicks and newly minted superhumans looking to fight for justice. Operating from their T-shaped tower in the San Francisco Bay, they lead by example for up-and-coming heroes and try to live up to legacy of their mentors.
Young Justice is another team of teen sidekicks initially made up of Superboy, the third Robin Tim Drake, and the Flash’s time-travelling grandson Impulse. While inexperienced, their eagerness to do good has inspired other young heroes to join their ranks, including the Amazon wannabe Wonder Girl, Lobo’s kid clone Slobo, and the ghostly Secret. Members from this team would then graduate to join the 2000s era team of Teen Titans.
If you'd like to know more, head on over to the full guide on the Teen Titans and Young Justice.