Children's Books for Women's History Month

Updated March 4, 2025
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Susan B. Anthony :
Hopkinson, Deborah
Paper Book
Unlike most girls of her time, Susan B. Anthony received an education. And besides reading and writing, her schooling taught her that women should have the same rights as men, above all the right to vote. So from the time she was a young woman until the day she died, Susan worked very hard to...
Misty Copeland
Calkhoven, Laurie
Paper Book
Pirouette across the stage and get to know Misty Copeland--the first African-American woman to become a principal ballerina with the American Ballet Theater--in this fascinating, nonfiction Level 3 Ready-to-Read, part of a new series of biographies about people "you should meet." ...
Daring Amelia /
Lowell, Barbara,
Paper Book
Soar to new heights with the story of the world's most famous female pilot, Amelia Earhart! Even as a kid, Amelia Earhart was always looking for adventures. She had mud ball fights, explored caves, and even built a roller coaster in her backyard! And the adventures continued as...
History of rock
Nabais, Rita
Paper Book
The book of heroines :
Drimmer, Stephanie Warren,
Paper Book
Everybodyneedsarolemodel!Discovertruestoriesofsuperstars,warheroes, world leaders,gusty gals, and everyday womenwhochangedtheworld.From SacagaweatoMother Teresa, Annie Oakleyto Malala Yousafzai, thesefamous womenhikeduptheirpantsand petticoatsand charged full-speed ahead to prove girls arejustas...
Who was Maya Angelou?
Labrecque, Ellen
Paper Book
Born in Missouri in 1928, Maya Angelou had a difficult childhood. Jim Crow laws segregated blacks and whites in the South. Her family life was unstable at times. But much like her poem, "Still I Rise," Angelou was able to lift herself out of her situation and flourish. She moved to California and...
The bluest of blues :
Robinson, Fiona,
Paper Book
An ALSC Notable Children's Book A Junior Library Guild Selection A Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year A gorgeous picture book biography of botanist and photographer Anna Atkins--the first person to ever publish a book of photography After...
She persisted around the world : 13 women who changed history
Clinton, Chelsea
Paper Book
Chelsea Clinton introduces tiny feminists, mini activists and little kids who are ready to take on the world to thirteen inspirational women who never took no for an answer, and who always, inevitably and without fail, persisted. Throughout United States history, there...

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