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Free Comic Book Day 2025 (Adults)
Updated March 4, 2025
Lambton County Library
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Goldberg, Whoopi
Paper Book
Isabel Frost is a woman who has spent her life as wife, mother, grandmother - a life she feels isn't all she had hoped for, with a husband who has grown in another direction. A college graduate with a degree in science, Isabel is an amazing gamer, who plays with people all over the country. With the...
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Dune : the graphic novel. Book 3, The prophet
Herbert, Brian.
Paper Book
The highly anticipated finale of the graphic novel adaptation of Frank Herbert's 1965 novel Dune comes to an epic conclusion in DUNE: The Graphic Novel, Book 3: The Prophet. The final battle for Arrakis is swiftly approaching. Paul Atriedes has accepted his role as the leader of the...
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Deadpool & Wolverine. WWIII
Kelly, Joe
Paper Book
It's The Best There Is and the Merc With A Mouth as Wolverine and Deadpool have to team up aginst a new threat - but hopefully they don't kill each other first! DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE, starring Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, is a smash hit in the theaters, having grossed over one...
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Batman. Volume one / Wayne Family adventures
Payne, CRC.
Paper Book
Being a father can't be harder than being Batman, right? Batman needs a break. But with new vigilante Duke Thomas moving into Wayne Manor and an endless supply of adopted, fostered, and biological superhero children to manage, Bruce Wayne is going to have his hands full. Being a...
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Deadpool by Cody Ziglar Vol. 1: Blood Bond
Ziglar, Cody.
Paper Book
Deadpool is back in action with all the chaos and silliness that makes him just so darn lovable - as an explosive new era for the Merc with a Mouth begins! DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE is a smash hit in the theaters, having grossed over one billion dollars in just three weekends! ...
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