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Free Comic Book Day 2025 (Teens)
Updated March 4, 2025
Lambton County Library
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Green Lantern. Vol. 1, Back in action
Adams, Jeremy, (Screenwriter)
Paper Book
Spinning out of the events of Dark Crisis, the Guardians of Oa at the heart of the Green Lantern Corps have quarantined Sector 2814, home of the planet Earth-and its champion along with it! A heartbreaking defeat has sent Hal reeling, returning home to rediscover his roots...and...
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Woe : a housecat's story of despair
Knisley, Lucy
Paper Book
WOE! SCREAM! MEOW! ...PURR? Join the hilarious and of course dramatic world of Linney the House Cat, as her webcomic antics are gathered into graphic novel for the very first time! This collection is perfect for cat lovers and Linney fans alike. A KIRKUS REVIEWS BEST BOOK OF...
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Fantastic Four. Vol. 1, Whatever happened to the Fantastic Four?
North, Ryan
Paper Book
Whatever happened to the Fantastic Four? Ryan North and Iban Coello usher in a bold new era for Marvel's First family... and, right from the start, they're in a ton of trouble. Something has gone terribly wrong in New York, and the Thing and Alicia are travelling across America to escape it! But...
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Homebody: Discovering What It Means To Be Me
Parish, Theo.
Paper Book
'An uplifting, hopeful, empowering memoir that celebrates self-discovery and self-love' - Alice Oseman, author of the bestselling Heartstopper seriesAn unmissable graphic novel perfect for fans of the global hit Heartstopper and Juno Dawson's What's the T?Hello! I'm Theo. I like cats, Dungeons &...
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