
Recent movers and shakers in science.

Updated November 30, 2024
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How life works : a user's guide to the new biology
Ball, Philip
Paper Book
"Bold and intriguing."--Wall Street Journal * "Penetrating. . . . Provocative and profound."--Publishers Weekly (starred review) * "Offers plenty of food for thought."--Kirkus Reviews (starred review)   "Ball's marvelous book is both...
The Beauty of Falling : A Life in Pursuit of Gravity
de Rham, Claudia.
No detailed description available for "The Beauty of Falling".
The network of life : a new view of evolution
Mindell, David P.
No detailed description available for "The Network of Life".
The Sixth Element : How Carbon Shapes Our World
Snow, Theodore P.
No detailed description available for "The Sixth Element".
Molds, mushrooms, and medicines : our lifelong relationship with fungi
Money, Nicholas P.
Paper Book
The hidden role of fungi inside and all around us From beneficial yeasts that aid digestion to toxic molds that cause disease, we are constantly navigating a world filled with fungi. Molds, Mushrooms, and Medicines explores the amazing ways fungi interact with our...
Why Ecosystems Matter: Preserving the Key to Our Survival
Paper Book
The lives of lichens : a natural history
Lücking, Robert
Paper Book
A richly illustrated guide to lichens and their biology Existing at the margins of life, lichens are the result of symbiotic relationships between fungi and photosynthesizing partners in the form of algae or cyanobacteria. Comprising more than twenty thousand species, lichens...
3 Degrees More : The Impending Hot Season and How Nature Can Help Us Prevent It
Wiegandt, Klaus.
This open access book describes in detail what life on this planet would be like if its average surface temperature were to rise 3 degrees Celsius above the preindustrial level. On this basis, the book argues that it is imperative to keep this temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius. It then...

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