Literary Studies and Criticism

Recent movers and shakers in literary studies and literary criticism.

Updated November 26, 2024
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Ezra Pound and his classical sources : the cantos' and the primal matter of Troy
Ullyot, Jonathan.
Paper Book
This book uses Ezra Pound's The Cantos as a lens to understand modernism's ambition to revolutionize literature through mythical and scientific methods. Homer's Odyssey plays a unique methodological and structural role in The Cantos. The Cantos translates, interprets,...
The ecological plot : how stories gave rise to a science
Miller, John MacNeill
Paper Book
Unraveling the surprising history of the concept of ecology The Ecological Plot traces the roots of this most mainstream branch of science back to an unexpected source: narrative storytelling. Weaving together the histories of different disciplines, John...
Radical elegies : white violence, patriarchy, and necropoetics
Perry, Eleanor
Virginia Woolf and the anthropocene
Adkins, Peter
The first half of the twentieth century was a period of accelerated resource extraction, industrial intensification and tipping points in pollution levels, hastening the emergence of an epoch in which humans are the key drivers of planetary change. Virginia Woolf and the Anthropocene situates Woolf...

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