
Recent recent books on music.

Updated January 14, 2025
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Blacksound : making race and popular music in the United States
Morrison, Matthew D.
"No book from this past year better explains American popular music than professor Matthew Morrison's Blacksound."--A Rolling Stone​ Best Music Book of 2024 A new concept for understanding the history of the American popular music industry....
Unspooled : How the Cassette Made Music Shareable
Drew, Rob.
Rob Drew traces the history of the cassette tape, showing how a lowly, hissy format that began life in office dictation machines and cheap portable players became a mode of musical and interpersonal communication as well as a source of cultural capital.
The Oxford Handbook of Video Game Music and Sound
Gibbons, William.
The art and business of songwriting
Batiste, Larry D.
The Oxford handbook of community singing
Morgan-Ellis, Esther M.
Said on opera
Said, Edward W.
One of the late twentieth century's most celebrated and influential public intellectuals, Edward W. Said was also a critic of astonishing range. This book presents his insightful and elegant analyses of four major operas--originally delivered as the Empson Lectures at Cambridge University in 1997...
Opposing Apartheid on stage : King Kong the Musical
Fleming, Tyler
A captivating account of an interracial jazz opera that took apartheid South Africa by storm and marked a turning point in the nation's cultural history. In 1959, King Kong, an interracial jazz opera, swept across South Africa and became a countrywide phenomenon. Its...
Vaughan Williams in Context
Challenging residual doubts about Vaughan Williams's role and significance within twentieth-century music and culture, this book places and explores his life and music in their broad musical, cultural, social, and political contexts. Chapters by scholars from a range of disciplines re-evaluate the...
SuperCollider for the Creative Musician : A Practical Guide
Fieldsteel, Eli
The Oxford Handbook of Music Composition Pedagogy
Kaschub, Michele
Pierre Boulez
Potter, Caroline.
Exploring the emotional and cultural influences on Pierre Boulez's early works as well as the role surrealism and French culture of the 1930s and 40s played in shaping his radical new musical concepts.
Singing the Land: Hebrew Music and Early Zionism in America
Eli Sperling
Singing the Land: Hebrew Music and Early Zionism in America examines the proliferation and use of popular Hebrew Zionist music amongst American Jewry during the first half of the twentieth century. This music--one part in a greater process of instilling diasporic Zionism in American...
The New Shudder : About the Fantastic of Musical Romanticism
Kämpf, Christian.
"It is a new shudder, but not an old fear." Jean Paul's sentence contains an aesthetic of the fantastic in nuce. It is based not least on the philosophy of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi and aims at the essence of Romanticism. In addition to works by Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann and Wagner, the...
Improvising Across Abilities: Pauline Oliveros and the Adaptive Use Musical Instrument
Thomas Ciufo
Improvising Across Abilities: Pauline Oliveros and the Adaptive Use Musical Instrument (AUMI) brings together scholars, musicians, and family members of people with disabilities to  collectively recount years of personal experiences, research, and perspectives on the societal and...

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