Supporting ADHD

Learn more about ADHD and find supports for living the ADHD life.

Updated June 20, 2023
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How to ADHD : an insider's guide to working with your brain (not against it)
McCabe, Jessica
Paper Book
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * In this honest, friendly, and shame-free guide, the creator of the award-winning YouTube channel How to ADHD shares the hard-won insights and practical strategies that have helped her survive, even thrive, in a world not built for her brain. ...
ADHD 2.0: New Science and Essential Strategies for Thriving with Distraction--From Childhood Through Adulthood
Hallowell, Edward M.
Paper Book
A revolutionary new approach to ADD/ADHD featuring cutting-edge research and strategies to help readers thrive, by the bestselling authors of the seminal books Driven to Distraction and Delivered from Distraction "An inspired road map for living...
If you're newly diagnosed or just need a refresher, this ultimate ADHD guide will give you everything you need to get the condition under control.

According to the Neurovisual Center of New York, “Up to 50% of children with ADHD have a vision problem which contributes to reading and learning difficulties. Often, the vision problem is an eye misalignment so small that it’s missed on routine vision exams.” That means if you are living with ADHD you could be experiencing the symptoms of vertical heterophoria and not even know it. The fact that vertical heterophoria is not widely known amongst a community with such a high risk for developing it is some

If you're looking for the best ADHD podcasts, here are 10 of our favorites guaranteed to entertain and educate you.
Order From Chaos: The Everyday Grind Of Staying Organized With Adult Adhd
Paul, Jaclyn.
Organizing solutions for people with ADHD : tips and tools to help you take charge of your life and get organized
Pinsky, Susan C.
Unfuck your habitat : you're better than your mess
Hoffman, Rachel
Paper Book
"The perfect housekeeping guide for somebody who is overwhelmed with their mess and can't figure out how to start." -Lifehacker "An accessible guide on how to clean for normal people." -Livestrong "It actually changed my life and my home; I'm serious." ...
Is it you, me, or adult A.D.D.? : stopping the roller coaster when someone you love has attention deficit disorder
Pera, Gina.
The science has been clear since 1994, when Adult ADHD was declared a medical diagnosis. Still, the public harbors misconceptions, and that means millions suffer needlessly. And that includes millions of couples who can't understand why their lives together are so hard-sometimes despite many...
ADD-friendly ways to organize your life
Kolberg, Judith.
Paper Book
Over 100,000 Copies Sold! Organizing books fall short of addressing the unique needs of adults with ADD. They fail to understand the clinical picture of ADD and how it impacts the organizing process often making their advice irrelevant or frustrating when put into application. Books about...
Taking Charge of Adult ADHD, Second Edition: Proven Strategies to Succeed at Work, at Home, and in Relationships
Barkley, Russell A.
ADHD for smart ass women : how to fall in love with your neurodivergent brain
Otsuka, Tracy
Paper Book
An unprecedented guide for any woman with ADHD looking to celebrate her unique brilliance and to embark on a journey of self-discovery. ADHD is one of the most common neurological disor­ders in the United States--yet a staggering 75 percent of girls and women remain undiagnosed. Due to the...
A radical guide for women with ADHD : embrace neurodiversity, live boldly, and break through barriers
Solden, Sari

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