Career Success

Books for those wishing to succeed in business, motivate themselves in the workplace, or find inspiration from others' experiences.

Updated December 16, 2024
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How women rise : break the 12 habits holding you back from your next raise, prom
Helgesen, Sally, 1948-
Paper Book
Overcome the twelve habits holding you back and take your career to new heights with this wise and approachable guide from two business leadership experts. Ready to take the next step in your career . . . but not sure what's holding you back? Read on.<...
The motivation code : [online electronic book] discover the hidden forces that d
Henry, Todd
How to win in a winner-take-all world : the definitive guide to adapting and suc
Irwin, Neil
Paper Book
From New York Times bestselling author and senior economic correspondent at The New York Times, how to survive--and thrive--in this increasingly challenging economy. Every ambitious professional is trying to navigate a perilous global economy to do work that is...
7 habits of highly effective people : powerful lessons in personal change
Covey, Stephen R.
Paper Book
Millions of copies sold. New York Times Bestseller. Named the #1 Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century. "Every so often a book comes along that not only alters the lives of readers but leaves an imprint on...

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