Media Law Books

Updated September 11, 2023
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Amateur media social, cultural and legal perspectives
Hunter, Dan
The rise of Web 2.0 has pushed the amateur to the forefront of public discourse, public policy and media scholarship. Typically non-salaried, non-specialist and untrained in media production, amateur producers are now seen as key drivers of the creative economy. But how do the activities of...
Appearance, discrimination and the media portraying facial disfigurement fairly in the news
Garrisi, Diana.
Article 17 access to a diversity of mass media sources
Sacino, Sherry Wheatley.
This volume constitutes a commentary on Article 17 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It is part of the series, A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which provides an article by article analysis of all substantive, organizational and...
Balancing privacy and free speech unwanted attention in the age of social media
Tunick, Mark
In an age of smartphones, Facebook and YouTube, privacy may seem to be a norm of the past. This book addresses ethical and legal questions that arise when media technologies are used to give individuals unwanted attention. Drawing from a broad range of cases within the US, UK, Australia, Europe,...
Collective Rights and Digital Content The Legal Framework for Competition, Transparency and Multi-territorial Licensing of the New European Directive on Collective Rights Management
Lucena, Cláudio.
This book starts with an exercise, proposing a theoretical reflection on the technological path that, over time, has transformed the ways we produce, consume and manage intellectual content subject to copyright protection. This lays the groundwork for...
Communication law in America : Paul Siegel
Siegel, Paul
Communication Law in America is a comprehensive, easy-to-follow overview of the complicated ways in which U.S. law determines who may say what to (and about) whom. It covers the usual content- libel, invasion of privacy, copyright and trademark, access to government information, advertising,...
Complications and Quandaries in the ICT Sector Standard Essential Patents and Competition Issues
Bharadwaj, Ashish.
This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. With technology standards becoming increasingly common, particularly in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector, the complexities and contradictions at the interface of intellectual property law...
Copyright clarity : how fair use supports digital learning
Hobbs, Renee.
Paper Book
"This book cuts to the heart of uncertainties about how copyright and fair use apply in the classroom, addressing common misperceptions and laying out the current understandings of intellectual property law in clear engaging prose."--Henry Jenkins, Provost′s Professor of...
Copyright versus open access on the organisation and international political economy of access to scientific knowledge
Scheufen, Marc
This book addresses the recent debate about copyright law and its impact on the distribution of scientific knowledge from an economic perspective. The focus is on the question whether a copyright regime or an open access regime is better suited to the norms and organizational structure in a purely...
Cybersecurity in Poland
This open access book explores the legal aspects of cybersecurity in Poland. The authors are not limited to the framework created by the NCSA (National Cybersecurity System Act - this act was the first attempt to create a legal regulation of cybersecurity and, in addition, has implemented the...
Data protection without data protectionism the right to protection of personal data and data transfers in EU law and international trade law
Naef, Tobias
This open access book offers a new account on the legal conflict between privacy and trade in the digital sphere. It develops a fundamental rights theory with a new right to continuous protection of personal data and explores the room for the application of this new right in trade law. Replicable...
Datenschutz als Vermögensrecht Datenschutzrecht als Instrument des Datenhandels
Schmidt, Kirsten Johanna.
In diesem Open-Access-Buch untersucht die Autorin die Fortentwicklung des Datenschutzrechts zu einem Datenhandelsrecht. Sie stellt dar, wie Personendaten bereits heute gehandelt werden können und wo sich Problemfelder insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund von Big Data ergeben. Außerdem veranschaulicht...
Democracia y medios de comunicacio n
Stein Velasco, Jose Luis F.
Derecho de la comunicación : guía jurídica para profesionales de los medios
Azurmendi, Ana.
Digital media contracts
Williams, Alan.
Digital Media Contracts contains a collection of sample agreements, presenting annotated contracts from the digital media industry in typical formats for the industry. Included are agreements for digital downloads, user generated content, social networks, wireless apps and cloud computing. It goes...
Digital media law
Packard, Ashley.
In a world where anyone can become a media producer, everyone should know something about media law - both to protect their own rights and to avoid violating the rights of others.  Digital Media Law is the first media law text to respond to digitalization and globalization--the two most...
Digital Peripheries The Online Circulation of Audiovisual Content from the Small Market Perspective
Szczepanik, Petr.
This is an open access book. Media industry research and EU policymaking are predominantly tailored to large (and, in the latter case, Western) European markets. This open access book addresses the specific qualities of smaller media markets, highlighting their vulnerability to global...
Digitalität und Privatheit : Kulturelle, politisch-rechtliche und soziale Perspektiven
Aldenhoff, Christian
Privatheit in der digitalen Gesellschaft - ihre Formen, Chancen und Risiken.
Droit des médias et de la communication : presse, audiovisuel et Internet, droit européen et belge
Jongen, François
Droit Européen des médias
Derieux, Emmanuel
Ethics and Civil Drones European Policies and Proposals for the Industry
de Miguel Molina, María.
This open access book disseminates some of the results of the European H2020 AiRT Project (Technology transfer of RPAs for the creative industry). In particular, it presents findings related to mitigating safety and security concerns when civil drones are piloted by the service sector (mainly, the...
The Ethics of Cybersecurity
Christen, Markus.
This open access book provides the first comprehensive collection of papers that provide an integrative view on cybersecurity. It discusses theories, problems and solutions on the relevant ethical issues involved. This work is sorely needed in a world where cybersecurity has become...
European media governance national and regional dimensions
Terzis, Georgios.
Commercialization, concentration, convergence, and globalization have dramatically changed the way that media is governed today. European Media Governance analyzes how the governments in thirty-two European countries have slowly but steadily ceded control of the media to marketplace,...
Families and New Media : Comparative Perspectives on Digital Transformations in Law and Society
Dethloff, Nina;Kaesling, Katharina;Specht-Riemenschneider, Louisa
The open access edited volume addresses children's rights and their ability to act in the digital world. The focus is on the position of children as subjects with their own rights and developing capacities. Their consideration by parents, courts and legislators is critically examined. Aspects of...
Fulfilling the Promise of Technology Transfer Fostering Innovation for the Benefit of Society
Hishida, Koichi.
Universities and research institutes are increasingly expected to contribute to society by creating innovation from the returns of their research results and the establishment of new technologies. Toward that goal, Keio University in Japan held an international symposium titled "Fulfilling the...
El futuro de la comunicacio n : redes, medios y poder
Carbonell Abello , Josep Maria.
La sociedad de la información es un fenómeno cada vez más importante en las sociedades desarrolladas que, junto con la globalización, las está transformando radicalmente. En este contexto, los medios de comunicación y las redes de comunicaciones electrónicas viven un proceso de estallido sin...
Global Governance of Intellectual Property in the 21st Century Reflecting Policy Through Change
Perry, Mark
This book analyses the governance foundations of  innovation, brands, inventions, secrets and expression, which are the keys to a century based on knowledge. They are reflected in legal rights that have been fermenting over centuries of national policy deliberations on intellectual property...
Handboek mediarecht
Voorhoof, Dirk
Image ethics the moral rights of subjects in photographs, film, and television
Gross, Larry
This pathbreaking collection of thirteen original essays examines the moral rights of the subjects of documentary film, photography, and television. Image makers--photographers and filmmakers--are coming under increasing criticism for presenting images of people that are considered intrusive and...
Indigenous cultural heritage and intellectual property rights learning from the New Zealnd experience?
Lai, Jessica C.
Now more than ever, indigenous peoples' interests in their cultural heritage are in the spotlight. Yet, there is very little literature that comprehensively discusses how existing laws can and cannot be used to address indigenous peoples' interests. This book assesses how intangible aspects of...
Innovation, Economic Development, and Intellectual Property in India and China Comparing Six Economic Sectors
Liu, Kung-Chung.
This open access book analyses intellectual property codification and innovation governance in the development of six key industries in India and China. These industries are reflective of the innovation and economic development of the two economies, or of vital importance to them: the IT Industry...
Italienisches, europäisches und internationales Immaterialgüterrecht
Laimer, Simon.
Dieser Open Access Band bietet sowohl deutsch- als auch italienischsprachige Beiträge zu wesentlichen Bereichen des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes und des Urheberrechts aus der Sicht des deutschen, italienischen und österreichischen Rechts sowie zum TRIPS-Abkommen samt einem Blick auf das...
Justices and journalists the U.S. Supreme Court and the media
Davis, Richard
Justices and Journalists examines whether justices are becoming more publicity-conscious and why that might be happening. The book discusses the motives of justices 'going public' and details their recent increased number of television and print interviews and amount of press coverage of their...
Ley orgánica de comunicación : legislación conexa
Linked Democracy Foundations, Tools, and Applications
Poblet, Marta.
This open access book shows the factors linking information flow, social intelligence, rights management and modelling with epistemic democracy, offering licensed linked data along with information about the rights involved. This model of democracy for the web of data brings new challenges for...
Locating Legal Certainty in Patent Licensing
Bharadwaj, Ashish.
This open access book presents global perspectives and developments within the information and communication technology (ICT) sector, and discusses the bearing they have on policy initiatives that are relevant to the larger digital technology and communications industry. Drawing on key...
Mass communication law in a nutshell
Carter, T. Barton.
Paper Book
Expert authors discuss the First Amendment in detail, as well as defamation and mass communication. Includes a completely new chapter on Internet law, covering issues such as indecency, Web sites with bomb recipes, defamation and anonymous postings, blocking cookies, encryption, spamming, copyright...
Media and the common good : perspectives on media, democracy, and responsibility
Mwita, Chaacha
On 30th December 2008, the President of Kenya, His Excellency Mwai Kibaki, assented to the controversial Kenya Communications (Amendment) Act 2008 which commenced on 2nd January 2009. This Presidential move had a deep impact on the long discussions, arguments and negotiations that were already in...
Media ethics and regulation : insights from Africa
Chan-Meetoo, Christina.
This book provides useful pointers to help journalists navigate the dilemmas they face in the professional practice. It provides an enlightening overview of the views of Mauritian journalists on their own industry and an in-depth look at the South African model for self-regulation. As part of the...
Media law
Maule, Douglas.
From official secrets to breach of confidence, and from reporting restrictions to racial hatred, Media Law Essentials is your concise guide to the laws that govern the news and media in the UK. Summary sections of Essential Facts and Essential Cases will help you to quickly learn and...
Media regulation, public interest and the law
Feintuck, Mike
Regulation of the media has traditionally been premised upon claims of 'the public interest', yet the term itself remains contested and generally ill defined. In the context of technological development and convergence, as well as corporate conglomeration, traditional 'public service' values in...
Media Resistance Protest, Dislike, Abstention
Syvertsen, Trine.
This book is open access under a CC BY license. New media divide opinion; many are fascinated while others are disgusted. This book is about those who dislike, protest, and try to abstain from media, both new and old. It explains why media resistance persists and answers two...
Médias et démocratie en Afrique : l'enjeu de la régulation
La Brosse, Renaud de
Medios de comunicación y derecho
López Betancourt, Eduardo.
More speech, not less communications law in the information age
Sableman, Mark
On a daily basis we are confronted with "more speech, not less"--more news reports, more television channels, more publications, more electronic communications. Communications laws have expanded in response to the proliferation of communications, and these laws affect everyone. Communications...
Multi-dimensional Approaches Towards New Technology Insights on Innovation, Patents and Competition
Bharadwaj, Ashish.
This open access edited book captures the complexities and conflicts arising at the interface of intellectual property rights (IPR) and competition law. To do so, it discusses four specific themes: (a) policies governing functioning of standard setting organizations (SSOs), transparency and...
New media, old regimes case studies in comparative communication law and policy
Eko, Lyombe.
New Media, Old Regimes: Case Studies in Comparative Communication Law and Policy, by Lyombe S. Eko, is a collection of novel theoretical perspectives and case studies which illustrate how different communication law regimes conceptualize and apply universal ideals of human rights and freedom of...
New media, old regimes case studies in comparative communication law and policy
Eko, Lyombe.
New Media, Old Regimes: Case Studies in Comparative Communication Law and Policy, by Lyombe S. Eko, is a collection of novel theoretical perspectives and case studies which illustrate how different communication law regimes conceptualize and apply universal ideals of human rights and freedom of...
On the path to AI Law’s prophecies and the conceptual foundations of the machine learning age
Grant, Thomas D.
This open access book explores machine learning and its impact on how we make sense of the world. It does so by bringing together two 'revolutions' in a surprising analogy: the revolution of machine learning, which has placed computing on the path to artificial intelligence, and the revolution in...
Online-Komponenten digitaler Spiele Eine rechtliche Untersuchung ihres Supports, ihrer Wiederherstellung und ihrer Eliminierung
Vonthien, Maximilian.
In diesem Open-Access-Buch befasst sich Maximilian Vonthien mit den Fragen, wie lange Publisher von modernen digitalen Spielen den Support für die Online-Komponenten (Online-Mehrspielermodus und Online-DRM-Systeme) erbringen müssen und ob die Inhaber von Spielkopien nach dem Supportende die...
Pop song piracy disobedient music distribution since 1929
Kernfeld, Barry Dean
Paper Book
The music industry's ongoing battle against digital piracy is just the latest skirmish in a long conflict over who has the right to distribute music. Starting with music publishers' efforts to stamp out bootleg compilations of lyric sheets in 1929, Barry Kernfeld's Pop Song Piracy...
Popular trials rhetoric, mass media, and the law
Hariman, Robert.
Contemporary scholarship illustrates the law's increasingly powerful role in American life; legal education, in turn, has focused on the problems and techniques of communication. This book addresses these interests through critical study of eight popular trials: the 17th-century...

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