Whether the art in a graphic novel is appealing or not is very subjective, so this list includes works annotated with information about their distinctive art styles.
Jim Lee, the penciller for this work, is known for his dynamic poses and intricate linework.
David Finch, one of this work\'s artists, is known for his dark and dramatic art style, which features strategic use of shadows.
The artist discusses her artistic inspiration and technique in an afterword in this volume, which is heavily influenced by the look of medieval manuscripts.
In this work, the artists experiment with negative space and panel placement, breaking out of the typical comic \"grid.\"
Persepolis features a bold and simple art style.
Miller is known for his gritty, film noir-inspired art style.
Nagabe\'s unique, dark artwork is achieved with the use of the artist\'s favorite tool, old felt tip pens.
Aki\'s artwork has a beautiful, airy, dream-like look to it.
Junji Ito is known for horror manga in which the horrific aspects feature particularly intricate linework.