
“Sometimes a Pawn is enough to change the whole game and those who ignore the importance of it, are liable to lose their Queen.”

– Sandeep Sharma

Updated April 24, 2024
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The queen of Katwe : a story of life, chess, and one extraordinary girl's dream of becoming a grandmaster
Crothers, Tim.
Based on a popular ESPN Magazine article--a finalist for a National Magazine Award and chosen by Dave Eggers for inclusion in Best American Nonrequired Reading 2011--the astonishing true story of Phiona Mutesi, a teenager from the slums of Kampala, Uganda, who becomes an...
794.1092 M982yc 2016
Chess for dummies
Eade, James
For all levels of chess players, Chess For Dummies, 3rd Edition, brings readers an updated guide to the wide world of chess. Offering easily-understood explanations of the game and its components, this book is a must have for those developing an interest or looking for an extra edge in chess....
794.1 Ea22
The Oxford history of board games
Parlett, David
For thousands of years, people have been planning attacks, captures, chases, and conquests - on a variety of different boards designed for an astonishing diversity of games. Today the compelling mix of strategy, skill, and chance is as strong as ever; new board games are invented almost daily, while...
794.09 Parlett 2018
100 Endgames You Must Know: Vital Lessons for Every Chess Player
Villa, Jesús de la
'New (4th) and improved edition of an all-time classic The good news about endgames is: * there are relatively few endings you should know by heart * once you know these endings, that's it. Your knowledge never goes out of date!
794.124 Villa Garcia 2023

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