French dictionaries and study Guides for French examinations

Are you taking a French-language certification soon? Check our study guide and our dictionaries that can help you to prepare this exam!

Updated July 19, 2024
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Merriam-Webster's French-English dictionary
Paper Book
A bilingual, bi-directional guide to French and North American English with extensive coverage of Canadian French. More than 80,000 entries and 100,000 translations. Abundant examples of words used in context.
The Firefly French/English visual dictionary
Corbeil, Jean-Claude.
Paper Book
French is the second most commonly taught foreign language in American schools. The Firefly French/English Visual Dictionary shows graphically what other dictionaries can only describe in words. Now updated, it includes terms that have entered the vocabulary of both...
French - English Bilingual Visual Dictionary
Paper Book
Learn more than 10,000 of the most useful words and phrases in French with this illustrated dictionary for French-language students. Building on the success of the English for Everyone course books and the Bilingual Visual Dictionary series, the French English Visual...
Larousse pocket dictionary, French-English, English-French.
Paper Book
For anyone speaking, reading, or studying French, theLarousse Pocket Dictionary is the ideal dictionary for everyday use. With its handy and portable paperback format, great price and clear, easy-to-use layout, it's filled with vocabulary in all subject areas. These reliable and user...

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