Indigenous Authors - Recommended reading for adults

Updated April 8, 2024
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Dimaline, Cherie
Paper Book
From the bestselling author of Empire of Wild, a wickedly subversive, deliciously imaginative, deeply feminist novel of contemporary witches on the rise--a book that only the supremely gifted storyteller Cherie Dimaline could write. Lucky St. James, orphaned daughter of a...

Also available in eBook, eAudiobook and CD formats.

Canadian author.


Bad Cree: A Novel
Johns, Jessica
Paper Book

Also available in eBook, eAudiobook and Large Print formats.

Canadian author.


The sentence : a novel
Erdrich, Louise
Paper Book
"Dazzling. . . . A hard-won love letter to readers and to booksellers, as well as a compelling story about how we cope with pain and fear, injustice and illness. One good way is to press a beloved book into another's hands. Read The Sentence and then do just that."--USA Today, Four Stars ...

Also available in CD, eBook, eAudiobook and Large Print formats.


Probably Ruby : A Novel
Bird-Wilson, Lisa
Paper Book
A CBC BEST CANADIAN FICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR   Probably Ruby is an audacious, brave, and beautiful book about an adopted woman's search for her Indigenous identity, for readers of Tommy Orange's There There and Terese Marie Mailhot's Heart Berries....

Also available in eBook and eAudiobook formats.

Canadian author.


Five little Indians
Good, Michelle
Paper Book
WINNER: Canada Reads 2022 WINNER: Governor General's Literary Award for Fiction WINNER: Amazon First Novel Award WINNER: Kobo Emerging Author Prize  Finalist: Scotiabank Giller Prize Finalist: Atwood Gibson Writers Trust Prize Finalist: BC & Yukon...

Canada, fin des annees 1960. Des milliers de jeunes autochtones, liberes des pensionnats, essaient de survivre dans le quartier d'East Vancouver, entre prostitution, drogue et petits boulots.. Il y a Maisie, qui semble si forte ; la discrete Lucy, epanouie dans la maternite ; Clara, la rebelle, engagee dans l'American Indian Movement ; Kenny, qui ne sait plus comment s'arreter de fuir, et, enfin, Howie, condamne pour avoir rosse son ancien tortionnaire.. D'une plume puissante, Michelle Good raconte les destins entremeles de ces survivants.

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Auteure canadienne.


The theory of crows : a novel
Robertson, David
Paper Book
A poignant and evocative novel about the bonds of family and the gifts offered by the land When a troubled father and his estranged teenage daughter head out onto the land in search of the family trapline, they find their way back to themselves, and to each other Deep in the night,...

Also available in eBook and eAudiobook formats.

Canadian author.


Moon of the crusted snow : a novel
Rice, Waubgeshig
Paper Book
With winter looming, a small northern Anishinaabe community goes dark. Cut off, people become passive and confused. Panic builds as the food supply dwindles. While the council and community members struggle to maintain order, an unexpected visitor arrives, escaping the crumbling society to the south...

Also available in eBook, eAudiobook and DAISY formats, and as a Book Club Kit.

Canadian author.


There there
Orange, Tommy
Paper Book
Here is a voice we have never heard--a voice full of poetry and rage, exploding onto the page with stunning urgency and force. Here is a story of several people, each of whom has private reasons for travelling to the Big Oakland Powwow. Jacquie Red Feather is newly sober and...

A Oakland, dans la baie de San Francisco, les Indiens ne vivent pas sur une reserve mais dans un univers, faconne par la rue et par la pauvret, ou chacun porte les traces d'une histoire douloureuse. Pourtant, les membres de cette communaute disparate tiennent a celebrer la beaute d'une culture que l'Amerique a bien failli engloutir. A l'occasion d'un grand pow-wow, douze personnages, hommes et femmes, jeunes et moins jeunes, voient leurs destins se lier. Ensemble, ils vont faire l'experience de la violence et de la destruction, comme leurs ancetres tant de fois avant eux.

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Birdie : a novel
Lindberg, Tracey
Paper Book
Bernice Meetoos will not be broken. A big, beautiful Cree woman with a dark secret in her past, Bernice ("Birdie") has left her home in northern Alberta to travel to Gibsons, B.C. She is on something of a vision quest, looking for family, for home, for understanding. She is also driven by...

Also available in CD, eBook, eAudiobook and DAISY formats, and as a Book Club Kit.

Canadian author.


Birdie : a novel
Lindberg, Tracey
Paper Book
Bernice Meetoos will not be broken. A big, beautiful Cree woman with a dark secret in her past, Bernice ("Birdie") has left her home in northern Alberta to travel to Gibsons, B.C. She is on something of a vision quest, looking for family, for home, for understanding. She is also driven by...

Quand Bernice Meetoos, alias Birdie, quitte sa reserve et son Alberta natales pour venir s'installer dans un petit logement au-dessus d'une boulangerie a Gibsons, en Colombie-Britannique, des forces mysterieuses semblent trouver un malin plaisir a lui faire perdre pied. Souvent, inopinement, elle entre dans un etat de transe sur le vieux matelas de sa chambre. Tandis que sa tante Val et sa cousine Freda font la route pour venir a son chevet, Bernice reste prostree pendant des semaines, oscillant entre le souvenir, le reve et la realite.

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The strangers : a novel
Vermette, Katherena
Paper Book

Also available in eBook and eAudiobook formats.

Manitoban author.


Five little Indians
Good, Michelle
Paper Book
WINNER: Canada Reads 2022 WINNER: Governor General's Literary Award for Fiction WINNER: Amazon First Novel Award WINNER: Kobo Emerging Author Prize  Finalist: Scotiabank Giller Prize Finalist: Atwood Gibson Writers Trust Prize Finalist: BC & Yukon...

Also available in Book Club Kit, eBook, eAudiobook and Large Print formats.

Canadian author.


Indian horse
Wagamese, Richard.
Paper Book
Saul Indian Horse has hit bottom. His last binge almost killed him, and now he's a reluctant resident in a treatment centre for alcoholics, surrounded by people he's sure will never understand him. But Saul wants peace, and he grudgingly comes to see that he'll find it only through telling his...

Also available in Book Club Kit, eBook and DAISY formats.

Canadian author.


Indian horse
Wagamese, Richard.
Paper Book
Saul Indian Horse has hit bottom. His last binge almost killed him, and now he's a reluctant resident in a treatment centre for alcoholics, surrounded by people he's sure will never understand him. But Saul wants peace, and he grudgingly comes to see that he'll find it only through telling his...

Aussi dispoinible en format numerique.

Auteur canadien.


From the ashes : my story of being Métis, homeless, and finding my way
Thistle, Jesse
Paper Book
*#1 NATIONAL BESTSELLER *Winner, Kobo Emerging Writer Prize Nonfiction *Winner, Indigenous Voices Awards *Winner, High Plains Book Awards *Finalist, CBC Canada Reads *A Globe and Mail Book of the Year *An Indigo Book of the...

Also available in eBook and eAudiobook formats.

Canadian author.


There there
Orange, Tommy
Paper Book
Here is a voice we have never heard--a voice full of poetry and rage, exploding onto the page with stunning urgency and force. Here is a story of several people, each of whom has private reasons for travelling to the Big Oakland Powwow. Jacquie Red Feather is newly sober and...

Also available in CD, Book Club Kit, eBook and eAudiobook formats.


Cold : a novel
Taylor, Drew Hayden
Paper Book
Elmore Trent is a professor of Indigenous studies who finds himself entangled in an affair that's ruining his marriage; Paul North plays in the IHL (Indigenous Hockey League), struggling to keep up with the game that's passing him by; Detective Ruby Birch is chasing a string of gruesome murders,...

Also available in eBook format.

Canadian author.


Namwayut : we are all one : a pathway to reconciliation
Joseph, Robert
Paper Book
Reconciliation belongs to all of us. In this book, drawing from the lessons that he has learned along his pathway from residential school to the leader of Reconciliation Canada, Chief Robert Joseph provides a map for collective change and transformation. Reconciliation represents a long way forward,...

Also available in eBook format.

Canadian author.


Jonny Appleseed : a novel
Whitehead, Joshua (Writer)
Paper Book
'You're gonna need a rock and a whole lotta medicine' is a mantra that Jonny Appleseed, a young Two-Spirit/Indigiqueer, repeats to himself in this vivid and utterly compelling novel. Off the reserve and trying to find ways to live and love in the big city, Jonny becomes a cybersex worker who...

Also available in eBook and eAudiobook formats.

Canadian author.


Jonny Appleseed : a novel
Whitehead, Joshua (Writer)
Paper Book
'You're gonna need a rock and a whole lotta medicine' is a mantra that Jonny Appleseed, a young Two-Spirit/Indigiqueer, repeats to himself in this vivid and utterly compelling novel. Off the reserve and trying to find ways to live and love in the big city, Jonny becomes a cybersex worker who...

Travailleur du cybersexe, Jonny doit rentrer a la reserve dans une semaine pour assister aux funerailles de son beau-pere. Pendant ces sept jours, Jonny se raconte : enfance, amitie, amour, sexe, alcool, maquillage, musique, fantomes, espoirs. Le fil des liens familiaux se retisse avec sa mere, sa kokum, ses tantes et oncles. Surgit tout un monde de tendresse.

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Auteur canadien.


Campbell, Maria
Paper Book
Maria Campbell's biography is a classic, vital account of a young Métis woman's struggle to come to terms with the joys, sorrows, loves and tragedies of her northern Saskatchewan childhood. Maria was a strong and sensitive child who lived in a community robbed of its pride and dignity by the...

Also available in eBook and eAudiobook formats.

Canadian author.


Campbell, Maria
Paper Book
Maria Campbell's biography is a classic, vital account of a young Métis woman's struggle to come to terms with the joys, sorrows, loves and tragedies of her northern Saskatchewan childhood. Maria was a strong and sensitive child who lived in a community robbed of its pride and dignity by the...

Elevee sur une reserve routiere de la Couronne dans le nord de la Saskatchewan, Maria Campbell est une enfant sensible et determinee qui, malgre la precarite ambiante, s'emerveille devant le quotidien anime de sa communaute. Apres le deces de sa mere, elle se marie a un Blanc afin d'offrir une vie meilleure a ses freres et soeurs, mais echoue plutot dans les bas-fonds de Vancouver, ou elle connait la prostitution, la dependance et la depression. Inspiree par sa Cheechum, elle s'engage alors sur la voie de la guerison.

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Auteure canadienne.


The North-West is our mother : the story of Louis Riel's people, the Métis Nation
Teillet, Jean
Paper Book
There is a missing chapter in the narrative of Canada's Indigenous peoples--the story of the Métis Nation, a new Indigenous people descended from both First Nations and Europeans Their story begins in the last decade of the eighteenth century in the Canadian North-West. Within twenty years...

Also available in eBook format.

Canadian author.


All our relations : finding the path forward
Talaga, Tanya
Paper Book
Winner, 2024 Blue Metropolis First Peoples Prize, for the whole of her work Finalist, 2018 Nayef Al-Rodhan Prize for Global Cultural Understanding Finalist, 2018 Hilary Weston Writers' Trust Prize for Nonfiction Tanya Talaga, the bestselling author of Seven Fallen...

Also available in eBook and eAudiobook formats.

Canadian author.


The reason you walk
Kinew, Wab
Paper Book
No Marketing Blurb

Also available in eBook and eAudiobook format.

Manitoban author.


The inconvenient Indian : a curious account of Native People in North America
King, Thomas
Paper Book
WINNER of the 2014 RBC Taylor Prize The Inconvenient Indian is at once a "history" and the complete subversion of a history--in short, a critical and personal meditation that the remarkable Thomas King has conducted over the past 50 years about what it means to be "Indian" in...

Also available in Book Club, eBook, eAudiobook and DAISY formats.

Canadian author.


The inconvenient Indian : a curious account of Native People in North America
King, Thomas
Paper Book
WINNER of the 2014 RBC Taylor Prize The Inconvenient Indian is at once a "history" and the complete subversion of a history--in short, a critical and personal meditation that the remarkable Thomas King has conducted over the past 50 years about what it means to be "Indian" in...

L'Indien malcommode est a la fois un ouvrage d'histoire et une subversion de l'histoire officielle. En somme, c'est le resultat de la reflexion personnelle et critique que Thomas King a menee depuis un demi-siecle sur ce que cela signifie d'etre Indien aujourd'hui en Amerique du Nord. Ce livre n'est pas tant une condamnation du comportement des uns ou des autres qu'une analyse supremement intelligente des liens complexes qu'entretiennent les Blancs et les Indiens.

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Auteur canadien.

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