Residential Schools - Recommended Reading for Adults

Updated March 26, 2024
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Broken circle : the dark legacy of Indian residential schools : a memoir
Fontaine, Theodore
Paper Book
Now an approved curriculum resource for grade 9-12 students in British Columbia and Manitoba. Theodore (Ted) Fontaine lost his family and freedom just after his seventh birthday, when his parents were forced to leave him at an Indian residential school by order of the Roman Catholic Church and the...
Also available in eBook format and as a Book Club Kit.


The reason you walk
Kinew, Wab
Paper Book
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When his father was given a diagnosis of terminal cancer, Winnipeg broadcaster and musician Wab Kinew decided to spend a year reconnecting with the accomplished but distant aboriginal man who'd raised him. The Reason You Walk spans the year 2012, chronicling painful moments in the past and celebrating renewed hopes and dreams for the future. As Kinew revisits his own childhood in Winnipeg and on a reserve in Northern Ontario, he learns more about his father's traumatic childhood at residential school.

Also available in eBook, eAudiobook and DAISY formats.


The education of Augie Merasty : a residential school memoir
Merasty, Joseph Auguste.
Paper Book
Named the fourth most important "Book of the Year" by the National Post in 2015 and voted "One Book/One Province" in Saskatchewan for 2017, The Education of Augie Merasty launched on the front page of The Globe and Mail to become a national bestseller and an instant...
Also available in eBook and DAISY formats.


Five little Indians
Good, Michelle
Paper Book
WINNER: Canada Reads 2022 WINNER: Governor General's Literary Award for Fiction WINNER: Amazon First Novel Award WINNER: Kobo Emerging Author Prize  Finalist: Scotiabank Giller Prize Finalist: Atwood Gibson Writers Trust Prize Finalist: BC & Yukon...
Also available in eBook and eAudiobook formats and as a Book Club Kit.


They called me number one : secrets and survival at an Indian residential school
Sellars, Bev
Paper Book
BC Book Prize, Non-Fiction, Bev Sellars, They Called Me Number One (Finalist) Burt Award for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Literature: Bev Sellars, They Called Me Number One (Third Prize winner) Like thousands of Aboriginal children in Canada, and elsewhere in the colonized world,...
Also available in eBook and DAISY formats.


Indian horse
Wagamese, Richard.
Paper Book
Saul Indian Horse has hit bottom. His last binge almost killed him, and now he's a reluctant resident in a treatment centre for alcoholics, surrounded by people he's sure will never understand him. But Saul wants peace, and he grudgingly comes to see that he'll find it only through telling his...
Also available in eBook and DAISY formats and as a Book Club Kit.


Indian horse
Wagamese, Richard.
Paper Book
Saul Indian Horse has hit bottom. His last binge almost killed him, and now he's a reluctant resident in a treatment centre for alcoholics, surrounded by people he's sure will never understand him. But Saul wants peace, and he grudgingly comes to see that he'll find it only through telling his...

Enferme dans un centre de desintoxication, Saul Cheval Indien touche le fond et il semble qu'il n'y ait plus qu'une seule issue a son existence. Plonge en pleine introspection, cet Ojibwe, d'origine Anishinabeg du Nord ontarien, se rememore a la fois les horreurs vecues dans les pensionnats autochtones et sa passion pour le hockey, sport dans lequel il excelle. Saul, confronte aux dures realites du Canada des annees 1960-1970, a ete victime de racisme et a subi les effets devastateurs de l'alienation et du deracinement culturels qui ont frappe plusieurs communautes des Premieres Nations.

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The Knowing: The Enduring Legacy of Residential Schools
Talaga, Tanya
Paper Book
From Tanya Talaga, the critically acclaimed and award-winning author of Seven Fallen Feathers, comes a riveting exploration of her family's story and a retelling of the history of the country we now call Canada For generations, Indigenous People have known that their family members...


Tsqelmucwílc : the Kamloops Indian Residential School--resistance and a reckoning
Haig-Brown, Celia
Paper Book
In May 2021, the world was shocked by news of the detection of 215 unmarked graves on the grounds of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School (KIRS) in British Columbia, Canada. Ground-penetrating radar confirmed the vestiges of children as young as three on this site of the infamous...


Residential schools : with the words and images of survivors
Loyie, Larry
Paper Book
For over a century, Canada removed more than 150,000 Aboriginal children from their families to attend church-run residential schools, often in remote locations far from home. This hidden history is told by award-winning author and former student Larry Loyie in Residential Schools, With the Words...


Five little Indians
Good, Michelle
Paper Book
WINNER: Canada Reads 2022 WINNER: Governor General's Literary Award for Fiction WINNER: Amazon First Novel Award WINNER: Kobo Emerging Author Prize  Finalist: Scotiabank Giller Prize Finalist: Atwood Gibson Writers Trust Prize Finalist: BC & Yukon...

« On ne t'a pas abandonee, Lily. On t'a ramenee parmi nous. ». Canada, fin des annees 1960. Des milliers de jeunes autochtones, liberes des pensionnats, essaient de survivre dans le quartier d'East Vancouver, entre prostitution, drogue et petits boulots.. Il y a Maisie, qui semble si forte ; la discrete Lucy, epanouie dans la maternite ; Clara, la rebelle, engagee dans l'American Indian Movement ; Kenny, qui ne sait plus comment s'arreter de fuir, et, enfin, Howie, condamne pour avoir rosse son ancien tortionnaire.

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Kiss of the fur queen
Highway, Tomson
Paper Book
In the 1950s, Abraham Okimasis becomes the first Indian ever to win the Trapper's Festival Dog Sled Race and, as tradition dictates, he is kissed by the festival's beautiful Fur Queen. Nine months afterward, Abraham's wife Mariesis gives birth to their son, Champion, in a tent on a trapline in snowy...
Also available in eBook format.


Kiss of the fur queen
Highway, Tomson
Paper Book
In the 1950s, Abraham Okimasis becomes the first Indian ever to win the Trapper's Festival Dog Sled Race and, as tradition dictates, he is kissed by the festival's beautiful Fur Queen. Nine months afterward, Abraham's wife Mariesis gives birth to their son, Champion, in a tent on a trapline in snowy...

Champion et Ooneemeetoo, ce sont deux freres cris nes d'aurores boreales, eleves au rythme des rires et des sabots de caribou martelant le sol de la toundra. Un jour, ils sont envoyes tres loin dans le sud dans un pensionnat autochtone, ou une tout autre realite les attend. Heureusement, la Reine blanche veille sur eux. Impregnes a la fois de la magie et de l'humour de la culture crie, et du potentiel redempteur de l'art, les freres se fabriqueront, l'un par la musique et le theatre, l'autre par la danse, une liberte nouvelle.

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Honorer la ve?rite?, re?concilier pour l'avenir : sommaire du rapport final de la Commission de ve?rite? et re?conciliation du Canada
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
Paper Book
Entre 1867 et 2000, le gouvernement canadien a placé plus de 150 000 enfants autochtones dans des pensionnats d'un bout à l'autre du pays. Les autorités gouvernementales et les missionnaires étaient d'avis qu'afin de « civiliser et de christianiser » les enfants autochtones, il fallait les...

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