Change is Inevitable

Change is scary, but it is an inevitable part of life. This list of books covers topics relating to some of life's biggest changes, how to navigate them, and how to move forward.

Updated December 8, 2024
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The new menopause : navigating your path through hormonal change with purpose, power, and facts
Haver, Mary Claire (Medical doctor)
Paper Book
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * Filling a gaping hole in menopause care, everything a woman needs to know to thrive during her hormonal transition and beyond, as well as the tools to help her take charge of her health at this pivotal life stage--by the bestselling author of The Galveston...

618.175 Haver 2024

Conquering fear : living boldly in an uncertain world
Kushner, Harold S.
Paper Book
From the best-selling author ofWhen Bad Things Happen to Good People,an illuminating book about fear—and what we can do to overcome it. An inescapable component of our lives, fear comes in many guises: fear of unemployment; fear of aging, illness, losing beauty; fear of a...

152.46 K968

Wintering : the power of rest and retreat in difficult times
May, Katherine
Paper Book
THE RUNAWAY NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER  "Katherine May opens up exactly what I and so many need to hear but haven't known how to name." --Krista Tippett, On Being "Every bit as beautiful and healing as the season itself. . . . This is truly a...

828.92 May 2020

Keep the memories, lose the stuff : declutter, downsize, and move forward with your life
Paxton, Matt
Paper Book
Your boxes of photos, family's china, and even the kids' height charts aren't just stuff; they're attached to a lifetime of memories - and letting them go can be scary. For over 20 years, Matt Paxton has helped people from all walks of life who want to live more simply declutter and downsize....

648.8 Paxton 2022

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