The Wellington Comic Lover’s Guide to... SHAZAM and Black Adam
Straight from the Rock of Eternity, it’s the Wellington Comic Lover’s Guide to the two champions of SHAZAM; Captain Marvel and Black Adam!
Orphan teen Billy Batson descends into the subway one night and discovers a secret portal to the Rock of Eternity, a place of magic power where an ancient wizard resides. Seeing that Billy is courageous and pure of heart, the wizard grants Billy the power to transform into a superhero by saying his name "SHAZAM!", giving him the attributes of six mythic figures.
In ancient times, Teth-Adam of Khandaq was granted divine powers by the wizard Shazam, giving him the attributes of six Egyptian gods. After the death of his wife and sons, Teth-Adam sought vengeance and abused his powers, leading the Wizard to imprison him in a tomb forever. Awakened in the modern day, Teth-Adam comes into conflict with the current champion of Shazam, Billy Batson, and continues to carry out his eye-for-an-eye style of justice as Black Adam!