All ages list for books that support STEAM Signature Services.

Updated July 13, 2023
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Dazzling Zelda the story of fashion designer Zelda Wynn Valdes
Lewis, Aura author illustrator
Paper Book
In this lustrous nonfiction picture book biography, meet Black fashion icon and design pioneer Zelda Wynn Valdes, whose dresses, gowns, and costumes helped make people shine. Zelda grew up watching her grandmother at the sewing machine, until she decided her grandmother deserved...
Sisters in science Marie Curie, Bronia Dluska, and the atomic power of sisterhood
Marshall, Linda Elovitz author
Paper Book
Discover the fascinating true story of Nobel Prize winner Marie Curie and her sister Bronia, two trailblazing women who worked together and made a legendary impact on chemistry and health care as we know it. Marie Curie has long been a well-known name around the world. Though...
Weird and wonderful nature tales of more than 100 unique animals, plants, and phenomena
Hoare, Ben author
Paper Book
Enjoy more than 100 extraordinary stories of unusual species, behaviors, and objects all told by author Ben Hoare. Why do Mexican jumping beans jump? How do sea cucumbers defend themselves? What causes the northern lights? This book is filled with facts about the most surprising...
We need the Amazon rain forest
Wells, Robert E. author
Paper Book
2024 Green Earth Book Award Longlist Take a journey through the heart of the Amazon rain forest to discover why it's so important for life on Earth. Even though rain forests take up less than 10 percent of Earth's land, they are home to more...
The brilliant calculator how mathematician Edith Clarke helped electrify America
Lower, Jan
Paper Book
A Mathical Honor Book Hidden Figures meets Rosie Revere, Engineer in this STEM/STEAM picture book about Edith Clarke, the innovator who solved an electrical mystery and built the first graphing calculator--from paper! Long before calculators were...
On the tip of a wave how Ai Weiwei's art is changing the tide
Ho, Joanna author
Paper Book
2024 Bank Street Children's Book Committee Best Books of the Year 2023 IA Iowa City Public Library Best Books of the Year 2023 CA Eureka! Nonfiction Children's Book Award Silver Medal 2024 NCTE Orbis Pictus Award Recommended Title Starred...
The Mona Lisa vanishes a legendary painter, a shocking heist, and the birth of a global celebrity
Day, Nick (Nicholas) author
Paper Book
A "witty thriller" (The New York Times) for middle-grade readers about how the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre, how the robbery made the portrait the most famous artwork in the world--and how the painting by Leonardo da Vinci should never have existed at all. ...

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