Winnipeg 150: Fiction

Fiction titles that reference extreme weather, street names, Slurpees, and more great things about Winnipeg.

Updated March 26, 2024
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The break
Vermette, Katherena
Paper Book
Winner of the First Novel Award and a finalist for the Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize and the Governor General's Literary Award, The Break is a stunning and heartbreaking debut novel about a multigenerational Métis-Anishnaabe family dealing with the fallout of a shocking...

Also available in DAISY, eBook and eAudiobook formats and as a Book Club Kit.


Ligne Brisée
Vermette, Katherena
Paper Book
Winner of the First Novel Award and a finalist for the Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize and the Governor General's Literary Award, The Break is a stunning and heartbreaking debut novel about a multigenerational Métis-Anishnaabe family dealing with the fallout of a shocking...

Lorsqu’une jeune Metisse est victime d’une violente agression, les contrecoups se font sentir dans toute la communaute du quartier North End de Winnipeg. Policiers charges de l’enquete, famille, amis et connaissances voient leurs certitudes ebranlees a mesure que se precise le fil des evenements.

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Kiss of the fur queen
Highway, Tomson
Paper Book
"In his first novel, Kiss of the Fur Queen, noted playwright Tomson Highway tells the story of two Cree brothers who were severely abused at a Catholic residential school, and he uses the full transformative power of magic and myth, as well as a compelling traditional novel plot, to...

Also available in eBook format.


Wiseman, Adele
Paper Book
Hoda is a prostitute, but that is not the most important fact about her. Earthy, bawdy, vulnerable, and big-hearted, she is the daughter of an impoverished Jewish couple who emigrated from Russia to Canada to escape persecution. Growing up in a ghetto of Winnipeg, she experiences cruelty and...


Champion et Ooneemeetoo : roman
Highway, Tomson
Paper Book
"In his first novel, Kiss of the Fur Queen, noted playwright Tomson Highway tells the story of two Cree brothers who were severely abused at a Catholic residential school, and he uses the full transformative power of magic and myth, as well as a compelling traditional novel plot, to...

Champion et Ooneemeetoo, ce sont deux freres cris nes d’aurores boreales, eleves au rythme des rires et des sabots de caribou martelant le sol de la toundra. Un jour, ils sont envoyes tres loin dans le sud dans un pensionnat autochtone, ou une tout autre realite les attend. Heureusement, la Reine blanche veille sur eux. Impregnes a la fois de la magie et de l’humour de la culture crie, et du potentiel redempteur de l’art, les freres se fabriqueront, l’un par la musique et le theatre, l’autre par la danse, une liberte nouvelle.

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