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Chemistry for Non-Scientists
Updated July 26, 2024
Tarleton State University Library
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Napoleon's buttons : 17 molecules that changed history
Le Couteur, Penny
Paper Book
Napoleon's Buttons is the fascinating account of seventeen groups of molecules that have greatly influenced the course of history. These molecules provided the impetus for early exploration, and made possible the voyages of discovery that ensued. The molecules resulted in grand feats of...
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The elements a visual exploration of every known atom in the universe
Gray, Theodore W.
Paper Book
With more than 1 million copies sold worldwide, The Elements is the most entertaining, comprehensive, and visually arresting book on all 118 elements in the periodic table. Includes a poster of Theodore Gray's iconic photographic periodic table of the...
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The disappearing spoon and other true tales of madness, love, and the history of the world from the periodic table of the elements
Kean, Sam author.
Paper Book
From New York Times bestselling author Sam Kean comes incredible stories of science, history, finance, mythology, the arts, medicine, and more, as told by the Periodic Table. Why did Gandhi hate iodine (I, 53)? How did radium (Ra, 88) nearly ruin Marie Curie's...
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The food lab better home cooking through science
López-Alt, J. Kenji, author, photographer.
Paper Book
A New York Times Bestseller Winner of the James Beard Award for General Cooking Winner of the IACP Cookbook of the Year Award "The one book you must have, no matter what you're planning to cook or where your skill level falls."--New York Times Book Review
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Uncle Tungsten memories of a chemical boyhood
Sacks, Oliver W.
Paper Book
From his earliest days, Oliver Sacks, the distinguished neurologist who is also one of the most remarkable storytellers of our time, was irresistibly drawn to understanding the natural world. Born into a large family of doctors, metallurgists, chemists, physicists, and teachers, his curiosity was...
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