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Agents of Change: Teachers, Nurses, and Social Workers
Updated March 25, 2025
Library Services at Delaware County Community College
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Days in the lives of social workers : 62 professionals tell "real-life" stories from social work practice
Grobman, Linda May
Paper Book
Spend a day with social workers in 62 different settings, and learn about the many career paths available to you. Did you ever wish you could tag along with a professional in your chosen field, just for a day? DAYS IN THE LIVES OF SOCIAL WORKERS allows you to take a...
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Early Childhood Leadership: Motivation, Inspiration, Empowerment
Marotz, Lynn
Paper Book
Early Childhood Leadership: Motivation, Inspiration, Empowerment is a must-have book for anyone who occupies a leadership position (e.g., administrator, director, coordinator, team leader, manager, lead teacher) or anticipates doing so in the future. It addresses one of the most challenging...
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Opportunities in teaching careers
Fine, Janet.
Paper Book
Opportunities In . . . series gives you valuable career insight into your job field of choice! The most comprehensive career book series available, Opportunities In . . . explores a vast range of professions. In Opportunities in Teaching Careers, you will find: ...
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Green volunteers : the world guide to voluntary work in nature conservation
Ausenda, Fabio
Paper Book
Considered the "Bible of Conservation Volunteering," Green Volunteers highlights hundreds of volunteer projects throughout the world. Green Volunteers lists more than two hundred projects worldwide for those who want to experience active conservation work as a volunteer. Projects are in a variety of...
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Change your career : teaching as your new profession
Starkey, Lauren B.
Paper Book
This is a guide for all those looking to change their existing career and become a teacher. It includes details on how to search for teaching jobs, requirements for getting a teaching degree and includes details of people who made the move from their existing career to teaching.
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Strong community service learning : philosophical perspectives
Sheffield, Eric C.
Paper Book
This book has received the AESA (American Educational Studies Association) Critics Choice Award 2012. Community Service Learning (CSL) is, potentially, the most powerful and far-reaching educational reform movement in recent memory. Yet, that potential has yet to be realized. One major...
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First-year nurse : advice on working with doctors, prioritizing care, and time management
Hawkes, Beth
Paper Book
An indispensable guide for first-time nurses on working with doctors, the joys of the night shift, and facing mistakes! You've completed the necessary education, passed the exams, and you're finally ready for your first year as a professional nurse. But there is still trepidation...
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Veteran-Centered Care in Education and Practice: An Essential Guide for Nursing Faculty
Elliott, Brenda
Paper Book
Veteran-Centered Care in Education and Practice: An Essential Guide for Nursing Faculty addresses the mandate to improve veteran healthcare as a national priority, highlighting the tremendous impact nurses can make on improving veteran health. It provides guidance on how faculty can...
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Nonprofit hero : five easy steps to successful board fundraising
Jones, Valerie M.
Paper Book
Nonprofit Hero is written by Valerie Jones, who has raised more than $175 million for nonprofits and coached thousands of people to authentically and successfully ask for the causes they care about. She's addressed more than 50 audiences from Baltimore to Beijing and is one of fewer than 10,000...
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Homelessness and Housing Advocacy: The Role of Red-Tape Warriors
Smith, Curtis
Paper Book
Through compelling ethnography, Homelessness and Housing Advocacy: The Role of Red-Tape Warriors reveals the creative and ambitious methods that social service providers use to house their clients despite the conflictual conditions posed by the policies and institutions that govern the...
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Believing : our thirty-year journey to end gender violence
Hill, Anita
Paper Book
Believing is a story of America's three decades long reckoning with gender violence, offering insights into its roots, and paths to creating change. We once thought gender-based violence - from casual harassment to rape and murder - was an individual problem that affected a few; we now know it's...
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Becoming a teacher
Parkay, Forrest W.
Paper Book
Becoming a Teacher, Sixth Edition, takes a straightforward look at what it means to be a professional teacher in today's high-stakes environment of education. Building upon a strong mentoring message that has long been the tradition of Becoming a Teacher, the Sixth Edition helps students make...
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The #MeToo movement
Hillstrom, Laurie Collier
Paper Book
This volume provides a concise but authoritative overview of the #MeToo Movement and its enormous impact on American society, from the studios of Hollywood to factories, campuses, and offices across the country. The 21st Century Turning Points series is a one-stop resource for...
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Service-learning and social justice : engaging students in social change
Cipolle, Susan Benigni
Paper Book
Service-Learning and Social Justice provides everything administrators and teachers need to build service-learning programs that prepare students as engaged citizens committed to equity and justice. Cipolle describes practical strategies for classroom teachers along with the theoretical...
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Education for a Civil Society: Teaching Young Children to Gain Five Democratic Life Skills, Second Edition
Gartrell, Dan
Paper Book
Learning to Work Cooperatively and Respectfully with Others ...
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Healing a community : lessons for recovery after a large-scale trauma
Glaser, Melissa
Paper Book
Mass trauma has made entire towns and cities into monuments of heartbreak and loss. Here is a book to guide the communal recovery. After the horrific tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, local caregivers, civic leaders, and first responders...
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Service-learning in theory and practice : the future of community engagement in higher education
Butin, Dan W.
Paper Book
This book offers a comprehensive rethinking of the theory and practice of service-learning in higher education. Democratic and community engagement are vital aspects of linking colleges and communities, and this book critically engages the best practices and powerful alternative models in the...
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Your first year as a nurse : making the transition from total novice to successful professional
Cardillo, Donna Wilk
Paper Book
This classic primer takes nurses inside the hospital, the exam room, and the locker room to help you survive and thrive on the job-now updated for the post-pandemic world. "A must-read guide for new nurses and even those who have been practicing for years."-Echo Heron, R.N., New...
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Public/Community Health and Nursing Practice: Caring for Populations
Savage, Christine L.
Paper Book
How do you solve population-level health problems, develop nursing inventions, and apply them to clinical practice? This problem-solving, case-based approach shows you how to apply public health knowledge across all settings and populations. You'll encounter different case...
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Take charge of your nursing career
Marshall, Lois
Paper Book
Awarded second place in the 2022 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Nursing Education/Continuing Education/Professional Development! The essential theme of the book is the notion of career as a fluid process. A career is not stagnant or simply a job. It is a process that must...
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Community health workers in action : the efforts of "promotores de salud" in bringing health care to marginalized communities
Delgado, Melvin
Paper Book
Community Health Workers in Action proposes support and expansion of the role of community health workers in meeting the health needs of marginalized groups in United States cities (although their potential reach is not limited to any one group or geographical section). Given the health inequities...
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SAGE guide to social work careers : your journey to advocacy
Bird, Melissa
Paper Book
The SAGE Guide to Social Work Careerspresents first-hand stories from practitioners to help inform, inspire, and guide students to become advocates for social justice issues. With a unique focus on advocacy and social justice, the book covers fundamentals of the social work profession--from...
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Self-care for new and student nurses
Fontaine, Dorrie K.
Paper Book
Awarded second place in the 2021 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Professional Development! Self-care. Well-being. Resilience. Happiness. Self-compassion. These are among today's self-help buzzwords. There are countless books, articles, and podcasts...
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