Understanding Mental Health

Books that provide an overview of mental health conditions, including explanations of different disorders, symptoms, and common treatments.

Updated May 1, 2024
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And how does that make you feel? : everything you never wanted to know about therapy
Fletcher, Joshua
Paper Book
Psychotherapist Josh Fletcher takes us on a tour of the inner mind of a therapist--revealing a hilariously candid point of view on the therapeutic process, a practical guide to therapy, and maybe a few more cobwebs and dark corners than one might expect. It's everything you ever wanted to know...

"The book serves as a primer on common mental health ailments, including O.C.D., depression and panic and anxiety disorders — interspersed with information on different kinds of therapy." -The New York Times

Are u ok? : a guide to caring for your mental health
Morton, Kati
Paper Book
Learn hands-on coping strategies for managing anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and other mental health concerns with this "compassionate" guide from a licensed therapist and YouTube personality (John Green). Get answers to your most common questions about...
The balanced brain : the science of mental health
Nord, Camilla
Paper Book
How we can use what we've learned about the brain to improve our mental health There are many routes to mental well-being. In this groundbreaking book, neuroscientist Camilla Nord offers a fascinating tour of the scientific developments that are revolutionising the way we...
Healing : our path from mental illness to mental health
Insel, Thomas R.
Paper Book
A bold, expert, and actionable map for the re-invention of America's broken mental health care system. "Healing is truly one of the best books ever written about mental illness, and I think I've read them all." --Pete Earley, author of Crazy As...
The psychology book
Collin, Catherine, clinical psychologist.
Paper Book
Learn about human nature, behavior and how the mind works with The Psychology Book. Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Psychology in this overview guide to the...

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