Child Safety Book List
In honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month in April, the Children's Justice Center has shared a list of titles they recommend for children.
We recommend previewing books before reading them with your child and being ready for any questions your child may have about the book’s content. Reading together with your child can open the door to important conversations about body parts and safety. Reading books together may be a nice introduction to an adult-led conversation on rules or expectations. Not all books cover every aspect of child safety, reading a variety of books on many topics opens the door for important discussions on difficult topics.
As part of sharing these books, we encourage you to start conversations about body safety at your child’s developmental level, using correct names for all body parts, including genitalia. This empowers children to speak up if they experience inappropriate, uncomfortable, or confusing touches. Many of the included books also provide guidance on sharing this content with your child to help with these conversations.