Social Media and the Internet

Books about the social and psychological impacts of social media and the internet.

Updated December 18, 2024
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Broken Code : Inside Facebook and the Fight to Expose Its Harmful Secrets.
Paper Book
THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW EDITORS' CHOICE * By an award-winning technology reporter for The Wall Street Journal, a behind-the-scenes look at the manipulative tactics Facebook used to grow its business, how it distorted the way we connect online, and the company...
Extremely Online : The Untold Story of Fame, Influence, and Power on the Internet
Paper Book
NATIONAL BESTSELLER Acclaimed Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz presents a groundbreaking social history of the internet, revealing how online influence and the creators who amass it have reshaped our world, online and off--"terrific," as the New York Times calls...
Hype : how scammers, grifters, and con artists are taking over the internet--and
Bluestone, Gabrielle
Paper Book
"Hype is the best kind of nonfiction: juicy, sharp, savage and wildly entertaining, with a celebrity behaving badly on every page. What more could you want?" -Cat Marnell, New York Times-bestselling author of How to Murder Your Life From former Vice...
The chaos machine : the inside story of how social media rewired our minds and o
Fisher, Max.
Paper Book
Finalist for the Helen Bernstein Book Award for Excellence in Journalism From a New York Times investigative reporter, this "authoritative and devastating account of the impacts of social media" (New York Times Book Review)  <...

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