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Error: List cannot contain more than 100 items.
Error: List cannot contain more than 100 items.
Error: List cannot contain more than 100 items.
Error: List cannot contain more than 100 items.
Error: List cannot contain more than 100 items.
Error: List cannot contain more than 100 items.
Error: List cannot contain more than 100 items.
Error: List cannot contain more than 100 items.
Error: List cannot contain more than 100 items.
Error: List cannot contain more than 100 items.
Error: List cannot contain more than 100 items.
Error: List cannot contain more than 100 items.
Error: List cannot contain more than 100 items.
Children's Book Suggestions | Fairy Tales
Some of our favorite books for readers in Grades 3-7 based on fairy tales! You can view more fairy tale-themed fiction books in the library catalog. Fairy tale picture books and collections of fairy tales are in the nonfiction section in 398.2.
For readers who love mythology and folklore, check out our Mythology & Folklore book list or look for nonfiction books about ancient religions in the 290s.