French dictionaries and study Guides for French examinations

Are you taking a French-language certification soon? Check our study guide and our dictionaries that can help you to prepare this exam!

Updated July 19, 2024
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Collins Robert Concise French dictionary
Paper Book
The compact Oxford-Hachette French dictionary /
Paper Book
The Concise Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary contains the most extensive coverage available today, including: BL More vocabulary than any other concise French/English dictionary--over 195,000 words and phrases and over 380,000 translations BL Extensive coverage of new words and expressions
Dictionnaire Anglais-French.
Paper Book
A bilingual, bi-directional guide to French and North American English with extensive coverage of Canadian French. More than 80,000 entries and 100,000 translations. Abundant examples of words used in context.
The Firefly French/English visual dictionary
Corbeil, Jean-Claude
Paper Book
28,000 terms illustrated with 4,800 colorful pictures. The Firefly French/English Visual Dictionary is an unparalleled reference to the world around us and an indispensable tool for language education. Its 4,800 full-color illustrations show what other dictionaries can only...
French dictionary
Paper Book
Acclaimed by language professionals the world over, The Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary leads the way in modern bilingual lexicography. The first ever French dictionary to be entirely compiled based on the statistical evidence of vast electronic databanks of real language, both written and spoken,...

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