
“Sometimes a Pawn is enough to change the whole game and those who ignore the importance of it, are liable to lose their Queen.”

– Sandeep Sharma

Updated April 24, 2024
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The chess player's bible : illustrated strategies for staying ahead of the game
Eade, James
Master the ancient art of chess, the game of kings. Now, novice players can learn quickly and at a glance the key techniques and classic moves of the chess masters. This edition includes basic and advanced tactics, combinations, sacrifices, pawn structures, and annotated illustrations to help...

794.12 Eade 2015

Chess for dummies
Eade, James.
Proven tactical tips to strengthen your game Your quick and easy guide to the rules, strategies, and etiquette of chess Kings, queens, knights - does chess seem like a royal pain to grasp? This friendly guide helps you make the right moves. From using the correct terms to...
794.1 Ea22

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