Winnipeg 150: Fiction

Fiction titles that reference extreme weather, street names, Slurpees, and more great things about Winnipeg.

Updated March 26, 2024
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The case of Lena S.
Bergen, David, 1957-
Paper Book
The Case of Lena S. follows the life, loves, and coming-of-age of sixteen-year-old Mason Crowe during a year in which he will learn what it truly means to be in the world. At the centre of the novel is Lena, a troubled girl who has "chosen" Mason and will teach him something of desire and despair....
Also available in DAISY and eBook formats.


The Full Catastrophe: A Novel
Cook, Méira
Paper Book
Winner, 2023 Margaret Laurence Award for Fiction Finalist, 2023 McNally Robinson Book of the Year Award A compassionate and funny novel about defining yourself, the communities that support us, and the journeys that secrets propel. Charlie Minkoff, a thirteen...

Also available in eBook format and as a Book Club Kit.


In search of April Raintree
Mosionier, Beatrice
Paper Book
Memories. Some memories are elusive, fleeting, like a butterfly that touches down and is free until it is caught. Others are haunting. You'd rather forget them, but they won't be forgotten. And some are always there. No matter where you are, they are there, too. In this moving story...

Also avialable in DAISY, eBook and eAudiobook formats and as a Book Club Kit.


Some great thing
Hill, Lawrence
Paper Book
Mahatma Grafton is a disillusioned university graduate burdened with a famous name, and suffering from the curse of his generation -- a total lack of interest in the state of the world. The son of a retired railway porter from Winnipeg, he returns home for a job as a reporter with The...


The Dead of Midnight
Hunter, Catherine
Paper Book
Members of the bookclub at the Mystery Au Lait Cafe in Winnipeg are getting nervous, as events from their favourite murder mysteries start to come true-right in their own quiet neighbourhood of Wolseley. But Sarah Petursson and her neighbours can't stop themselves from reading the popular...


Little fish
Plett, Casey
Paper Book
WINNER, Amazon Canada First Novel Award; Lambda Literary Award; Firecracker Award for Fiction Finalist, Carol Shields Winnipeg Book Award A Globe and Mail Best Book of the Year It's the dead of winter in Winnipeg and Wendy Reimer, a thirty-year-old...

Also available in eBook and eAudiobook formats and as a Book Club Kit.


Under the ribs of death /
Marlyn, John.
Paper Book
Set in the immigrant community of Winnipeg’s North End, Under the Ribs of Death follows the progress of young Sandor Hunyadi as he struggles to cast off his Hungarian background and become a “real Canadian.” Embittered by poverty and social humiliation, Sandor rejects his father...


The republic of love
Shields, Carol
Paper Book
With a viewpoint that shifts as crisply as cards in the hands of a blackjack dealer, Carol Shields introduces us to two shell-shocked veterans of the wars of the heart. There's Fay, a folklorist whose passion for mermaids has kept her from focusing on any one man. And right across the street there's...

Also available in DAISY, eBook and Large Print formats.


Le soleil du lac qui se couche /
Leveille, J. R. 1945-
Paper Book

Angele, la narratrice, est une Metisse, un peu honteuse de ses origines, qui ne connait pas le mitchif car elle a fait ses etudes dans le quartier francophone de Winnipeg, mais elle porte en elle les traces de sa double genealogie : une certaine demarche, tout d'abord, mais aussi une propension au reve, senti comme non-distinct de la realite, une maniere particuliere de rire et un sens inne de l'elementarite.


Le soleil du lac qui se couche /
Leveille, J. R. 1945-
Paper Book

Also available in eBook format.


Vanishing monuments : a novel
Stintzi, John Elizabeth
Paper Book
Amazon Canada First Novel Award finalist A brilliant novel whose lead character returns home to their long-estranged mother who is now suffering from dementia. Alani Baum, a non-binary photographer and teacher, hasn't seen their mother since they ran away with their...


Fox /
Sweatman, Margaret
Paper Book
Fox moves on quick and elegant feet through the terror and exhilaration of Winnipeg's 1919 General Strike, the most turbulent period of the city's history. In a novel of remarkably vivd, kinetic power, the collision of the wealthy and working classes after the First World War becomes a backdrop for...


Summer of my amazing luck.
Toews, Miriam, 1964-
Paper Book
A Novel by the Governor General's Literary Award--winning author of A Complicated Kindness Lucy Van Alstyne always thought she'd grow up to become a forest ranger. Instead, at the age of eighteen, she's found herself with quite a different job title: Single Mother on the...

Also available in Audiobook, DAISY and eBook formats.


The break
Vermette, Katherena
Paper Book
Winner of the First Novel Award and a finalist for the Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize and the Governor General's Literary Award, The Breakis a stunning and heartbreaking debut novel about a multigenerational Métis-Anishnaabe family dealing with the fallout of a shocking...

Also available in DAISY, eBook and eAudiobook formats and as a Book Club Kit.


The break.
Vermette, Katherena, 1977-
Paper Book
Winner of the First Novel Award and a finalist for the Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize and the Governor General's Literary Award, The Breakis a stunning and heartbreaking debut novel about a multigenerational Métis-Anishnaabe family dealing with the fallout of a shocking...

Lorsqu’une jeune Metisse est victime d’une violente agression, les contrecoups se font sentir dans toute la communaute du quartier North End de Winnipeg. Policiers charges de l’enquete, famille, amis et connaissances voient leurs certitudes ebranlees a mesure que se precise le fil des evenements.

Aussi disponible en format numerique.


Kiss of the fur queen.
Highway, Tomson, 1951-
Paper Book
In the 1950s, Abraham Okimasis becomes the first Indian ever to win the Trapper's Festival Dog Sled Race and, as tradition dictates, he is kissed by the festival's beautiful Fur Queen. Nine months afterward, Abraham's wife Mariesis gives birth to their son, Champion, in a tent on a trapline in snowy...

Also available in eBook format.


Kiss of the fur queen.
Highway, Tomson, 1951-
Paper Book
In the 1950s, Abraham Okimasis becomes the first Indian ever to win the Trapper's Festival Dog Sled Race and, as tradition dictates, he is kissed by the festival's beautiful Fur Queen. Nine months afterward, Abraham's wife Mariesis gives birth to their son, Champion, in a tent on a trapline in snowy...

Champion et Ooneemeetoo, ce sont deux freres cris nes d’aurores boreales, eleves au rythme des rires et des sabots de caribou martelant le sol de la toundra. Un jour, ils sont envoyes tres loin dans le sud dans un pensionnat autochtone, ou une tout autre realite les attend. Heureusement, la Reine blanche veille sur eux. Impregnes a la fois de la magie et de l’humour de la culture crie, et du potentiel redempteur de l’art, les freres se fabriqueront, l’un par la musique et le theatre, l’autre par la danse, une liberte nouvelle.

Aussi disponible en format numerique.

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